Installing with conda
Starting from GMSO
version 0.3.0
, you can use conda to install GMSO
in your preferred environment. This will also install the dependencies of GMSO
(your-env) $ conda install -c conda-forge gmso
Installing from source conda
Dependencies of GMSO are listed in the files environment.yml
(lightweight environment specification containing minimal dependencies) and environment-dev.yml
(comprehensive environment specification including optional and testing packages for developers).
The gmso
or gmso-dev
conda environments can be created with
$ git clone
$ cd gmso
# for gmso conda environment
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
$ conda activate gmso
# for gmso-dev
$ conda env create -f environment-dev.yml
$ conda activate gmso
# install a non-editable version of gmso
$ pip install .
Install an editable version from source
Once all dependencies have been installed and the conda
environment has been created, the GMSO
itself can be installed.
$ cd gmso
$ conda activate gmso-dev # or gmso depending on your installation
$ pip install -e .
Supported Python Versions
Python 3.7 is the recommend version for users. It is the only version on which development and testing consistently takes place. Older (3.6) and newer (3.8+) versions of Python 3 are likely to work but no guarantee is made and, in addition, some dependencies may not be available for other versions. No effort is made to support Python 2 because it is considered obsolete as of early 2020.
Testing your installation
uses py.test
to execute its unit tests. To run them, first install the gmso-dev
environment from above as well as gmso
$ conda activate gmso-dev
$ pip install -e .
And then run the tests with the py.test
$ py.test -v
Install pre-commit
We use [pre-commit]( to automatically handle our code formatting and this package is included in the dev environment.
With the gmso-dev
conda environment active, pre-commit can be installed locally as a git hook by running
$ pre-commit install
And (optional) all files can be checked by running
$ pre-commit run --all-files
Building the documentation
uses sphinx to build its documentation. To build the docs locally, run the following while in the docs
$ conda env create -f docs-env.yml
$ conda activate gmso-docs
$ make html