This submodule provides readers and writers for (on-disk) file formats.
The following methods are available for reading and writing GROMACS files.
- gmso.formats.read_gro(filename)[source]
Create a topology from a provided gro file.
The Gromos87 (gro) format is a common plain text structure file used commonly with the GROMACS simulation engine. This file contains the simulation box parameters, number of atoms, the residue and atom number for each atom, as well as their positions and velocities (velocity is optional). This method will receive a filepath representation either as a string, or a file object and return a topology.
- Parameters
filename (str or file object) – The path to the gro file either as a string, or a file object that points to the gro file.
- Returns
A topology object containing site information
- Return type
Gro files do not specify connections between atoms, the returned topology will not have connections between sites either.
Currently this implementation does not support a gro file with more than 1 frame.
All residues and resid information from the gro file are currently lost when converting to topology.
- gmso.formats.write_gro(top, filename)[source]
Write a topology to a gro file.
The Gromos87 (gro) format is a common plain text structure file used commonly with the GROMACS simulation engine. This file contains the simulation box parameters, number of atoms, the residue and atom number for each atom, as well as their positions and velocities (velocity is optional). This method takes a topology object and a filepath string or file object and saves a Gromos87 (gro) to disk.
- Parameters
top (gmso.core.topology) – The topology to write out to the gro file.
filename (str or file object) – The location and name of file to save to disk.
Multiple residue assignment has not been added, each site will belong to the same resid of 1 currently.
Velocities are not written out.
The following methods are available for reading and writing GSD files.
- gmso.formats.write_gsd(top, filename, ref_distance=unyt_quantity(1., 'nm'), ref_mass=unyt_quantity(1., 'g/mol'), ref_energy=unyt_quantity(1., 'kcal/mol'), rigid_bodies=None, shift_coords=True, write_special_pairs=True)[source]
Output a GSD file (HOOMD v2 default data format).
The GSD binary file format is the native format of HOOMD-Blue. This file can be used as a starting point for a HOOMD-Blue simulation, for analysis, and for visualization in various tools.
- Parameters
top (gmso.Topology) – gmso.Topology object
filename (str) – Path of the output file.
ref_distance (float, optional, default=1.0) – Reference distance for conversion to reduced units
ref_mass (float, optional, default=1.0) – Reference mass for conversion to reduced units
ref_energy (float, optional, default=1.0) – Reference energy for conversion to reduced units
rigid_bodies (list of int, optional, default=None) – List of rigid body information. An integer value is required for each atom corresponding to the index of the rigid body the particle is to be associated with. A value of None indicates the atom is not part of a rigid body.
shift_coords (bool, optional, default=True) – Shift coordinates from (0, L) to (-L/2, L/2) if necessary.
write_special_pairs (bool, optional, default=True) – Writes out special pair information necessary to correctly use the OPLS fudged 1,4 interactions in HOOMD.
Force field parameters are not written to the GSD file and must be included manually in a HOOMD input script. Work on a HOOMD plugin is underway to read force field parameters from a Foyer XML file.
The following methods are available for reading and writing xyz files.
The following methods are available for reading and writing LAMMPS data.
- gmso.formats.write_lammpsdata(topology, filename, atom_style='full')[source]
Output a LAMMPS data file.
Outputs a LAMMPS data file in the ‘full’ atom style format. Assumes use of ‘real’ units. See for more information on atom styles.
- Parameters
Topology (Topology) – A Topology Object
filename (str) – Path of the output file
atom_style (str, optional, default=’full’) – Defines the style of atoms to be saved in a LAMMPS data file. The following atom styles are currently supported: ‘full’, ‘atomic’, ‘charge’, ‘molecular’ see for more information on atom styles.
See for a full description of the LAMMPS data format. This is a work in progress, as only atoms, masses, and atom_type information can be written out.
Some of this function has been adopted from mdtraj’s support of the LAMMPSTRJ trajectory format. See for details.