Source code for

"""Read and write XYZ files."""

import datetime

import numpy as np
import unyt as u

from gmso.core.atom import Atom
from gmso.core.topology import Topology
from gmso.formats.formats_registry import loads_as, saves_as

[docs] @loads_as(".xyz") def read_xyz(filename): """Reader for xyz file format. Read in an xyz file at the given path and return a Topology object. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to .xyz file that need to be read. Return ------ top : topology.Topology Topology object """ top = Topology() with open(filename, "r") as xyz_file: n_atoms = int(xyz_file.readline()) xyz_file.readline() coords = np.zeros(shape=(n_atoms, 3)) * u.nanometer for row, _ in enumerate(coords): line = xyz_file.readline().split() if not line: msg = ( "Incorrect number of lines in input file. Based on the " "number in the first line of the file, {} rows of atoms " "were expected, but at least one fewer was found." ) raise ValueError(msg.format(n_atoms)) tmp = np.array(line[1:4], dtype=float) * u.angstrom coords[row] = tmp.in_units(u.nanometer) site = Atom(name=line[0], position=coords[row]) top.add_site(site) top.update_topology() # Verify we have read the last line by ensuring the next line in blank line = xyz_file.readline().split() if line: msg = ( "Incorrect number of lines in input file. Based on the " "number in the first line of the file, {} rows of atoms " "were expected, but at least one more was found." ) raise ValueError(msg.format(n_atoms)) return top
[docs] @saves_as(".xyz") def write_xyz(top, filename): """Writer for xyz file format. Write a Topology object to an xyz file at the given path. Parameters ---------- top : topology.Topology Topology object that needs to be written out. filename : str Path to file location. """ with open(filename, "w") as out_file: out_file.write("{:d}\n".format(top.n_sites)) out_file.write( "{} {} written by topology at {}\n".format(, filename, str( ) ) out_file.write(_prepare_particles(top))
def _prepare_particles(top: Topology) -> str: atom_info = str() for _, site in enumerate(top.sites): # TODO: Better handling of element guessing and site naming if site.element is not None: tmp_name = site.element.symbol else: tmp_name = "X" x = site.position[0].in_units(u.angstrom).value y = site.position[1].in_units(u.angstrom).value z = site.position[2].in_units(u.angstrom).value atom_info = atom_info + f"{tmp_name} {x:8.3f} {y:8.3f} {z:8.3f}\n" return atom_info