Source code for gmso.formats.gro

"""Read and write Gromos87 (.GRO) file format."""

import datetime
import re
import warnings

import numpy as np
import unyt as u
from unyt.array import allclose_units

import gmso
from gmso.core.atom import Atom
from import Box
from gmso.core.topology import Topology
from gmso.formats.formats_registry import loads_as, saves_as

[docs] @loads_as(".gro") def read_gro(filename): """Create a topology from a provided gro file. The Gromos87 (gro) format is a common plain text structure file used commonly with the GROMACS simulation engine. This file contains the simulation box parameters, number of atoms, the residue and atom number for each atom, as well as their positions and velocities (velocity is optional). This method will receive a filepath representation either as a string, or a file object and return a `topology`. Parameters ---------- filename : str or file object The path to the gro file either as a string, or a file object that points to the gro file. Returns ------- gmso.core.topology A `topology` object containing site information Notes ----- Gro files do not specify connections between atoms, the returned topology will not have connections between sites either. Currently this implementation does not support parsing velocities from a gro file or gro file with more than 1 frame. All residues and resid information from the gro file are currently lost when converting to `topology`. """ top = Topology() with open(filename, "r") as gro_file: = str(gro_file.readline().strip()) n_atoms = int(gro_file.readline()) coords = u.nm * np.zeros(shape=(n_atoms, 3)) for row, _ in enumerate(coords): line = gro_file.readline() if not line: msg = ( "Incorrect number of lines in .gro file. Based on the " "number in the second line of the file, {} rows of" "atoms were expected, but at least one fewer was found." ) raise ValueError(msg.format(n_atoms)) res_id = ( int(line[:5].strip()) - 1 ) # reformat from 1 to 0 index in gmso res_name = line[5:10].strip() atom_name = line[10:15].strip() atom_id = line[15:20].strip() positions = line[20:].split() coords[row] = u.nm * np.array( [ float(positions[0]), float(positions[1]), float(positions[2]), ] ) site = Atom(name=atom_name, position=coords[row]) site.molecule = (res_name, res_id) site.residue = (res_name, res_id) top.add_site(site, update_types=False) if len(positions) == 6: warnings.warn( "Velocity information presents but will not be parsed." ) top.update_topology() # Box information line = gro_file.readline().split() = Box(u.nm * np.array([float(val) for val in line[:3]])) # Verify we have read the last line by ensuring the next line in blank line = gro_file.readline() if line: msg = ( "Incorrect number of lines in input file. Based on the " "number in the second line of the file, {} rows of atoms " "were expected, but at least one more was found." ) raise ValueError(msg.format(n_atoms)) return top
[docs] @saves_as(".gro") def write_gro(top, filename, n_decimals=3, shift_coord=False): """Write a topology to a gro file. The Gromos87 (gro) format is a common plain text structure file used commonly with the GROMACS simulation engine. This file contains the simulation box parameters, number of atoms, the residue and atom number for each atom, as well as their positions and velocities (velocity is optional). This method takes a topology object and a filepath string or file object and saves a Gromos87 (gro) to disk. Parameters ---------- top : gmso.core.topology The `topology` to write out to the gro file. filename : str or file object The location and name of file to save to disk. n_decimals : int, optional, default=3 The number of sig fig to write out the position in. shift_coord : bool, optional, default=False If True, shift the coordinates of all sites by the minimum position to ensure all sites have non-negative positions. This is not a requirement for GRO files, but can be useful for visualizing. Notes ----- Multiple residue assignment has not been added, each `site` will belong to the same resid of 1 currently. Velocities are not written out. """ pos_array = np.ndarray.copy(top.positions) if shift_coord: pos_array = _validate_positions(pos_array) with open(filename, "w") as out_file: out_file.write( "{} written by GMSO {} at {}\n".format( if is not None else "", gmso.__version__, str(, ) ) out_file.write("{:d}\n".format(top.n_sites)) out_file.write(_prepare_atoms(top, pos_array, n_decimals)) out_file.write(_prepare_box(top))
def _validate_positions(pos_array): """Modify coordinates, as necessary, to fit limitations of the GRO format.""" if np.min(pos_array) < 0: warnings.warn( "Topology contains some negative positions. Translating " "in order to ensure all coordinates are non-negative." ) min_xyz = np.min(pos_array, axis=0) min_xyz0 = np.where(min_xyz < 0 * min_xyz.units, min_xyz, 0 * min_xyz.units) pos_array -= min_xyz0 return pos_array def _prepare_atoms(top, updated_positions, n_decimals): out_str = str() warnings.warn( "Residue information is parsed from site.molecule," "or site.residue if site.molecule does not exist." "Note that the residue idx will be bumped by 1 since GROMACS utilize 1-index." ) # we need to sort through the sites to provide a unique number for each molecule/residue # we will store the unique id in dictionary where the key is the idx site_res_id = dict() seen = dict() for idx, site in enumerate(top.sites): if site.molecule: if site.molecule not in seen: seen[site.molecule] = len(seen) + 1 site_res_id[idx] = seen[site.molecule] elif site.residue: if site.residue not in seen: seen[site.residue] = len(seen) + 1 site_res_id[idx] = seen[site.residue] else: if "MOL" not in seen: seen["MOL"] = len(seen) + 1 site_res_id[idx] = seen["MOL"] for idx, (site, pos) in enumerate(zip(top.sites, updated_positions)): if site.molecule: res_id = site_res_id[idx] res_name = ( if len( <= 5 else[:5] ) site.label = f"res_id: {res_id}, " + site.label elif site.residue: res_id = site_res_id[idx] res_name = ( if len( <= 5 else[:5] ) site.label = f"res_id: {res_id}, " + site.label else: res_id = site_res_id[idx] res_name = "MOL" site.label = f"res_id: {res_id}, " + site.label atom_name = if len( <= 5 else[:5] atom_id = idx + 1 # gromacs doesn't actually use the atom id in the .gro file # so we will just loop back to 1 once we exceed 99999 # as is suggested in the FAQ in the manual. max_val = 99999 atom_id = atom_id % max_val res_id = res_id % max_val varwidth = 5 + n_decimals crdfmt = f"{{:{varwidth}.{n_decimals}f}}" # preformat pos str crt_x = crdfmt.format(pos[0].in_units(u.nm).value)[:varwidth] crt_y = crdfmt.format(pos[1].in_units(u.nm).value)[:varwidth] crt_z = crdfmt.format(pos[2].in_units(u.nm).value)[:varwidth] out_str = out_str + "{0:5d}{1:5s}{2:>5s}{3:5d}{4}{5}{6}\n".format( res_id, res_name, atom_name, atom_id, crt_x, crt_y, crt_z, ) return out_str def _prepare_box(top): out_str = str() if allclose_units(, * [90, 90, 90], rtol=1e-5, atol=0.1 *, ): out_str = out_str + " {:0.5f} {:0.5f} {:0.5f}\n".format([0].in_units(u.nm).value.round(6),[1].in_units(u.nm).value.round(6),[2].in_units(u.nm).value.round(6), ) else: # TODO: Work around GROMACS's triclinic limitations #30 vectors = out_str = ( out_str + " {:0.5f} {:0.5f} {:0.5f} {:0.5f} {:0.5f} {:0.5f} {:0.5f} {:0.5f} {:0.5f} \n".format( vectors[0, 0].in_units(u.nm).value.round(6), vectors[1, 1].in_units(u.nm).value.round(6), vectors[2, 2].in_units(u.nm).value.round(6), vectors[0, 1].in_units(u.nm).value.round(6), vectors[0, 2].in_units(u.nm).value.round(6), vectors[1, 0].in_units(u.nm).value.round(6), vectors[1, 2].in_units(u.nm).value.round(6), vectors[2, 0].in_units(u.nm).value.round(6), vectors[2, 1].in_units(u.nm).value.round(6), ) ) return out_str