Source code for gmso.external.convert_parmed

"""Module support for converting to/from ParmEd objects."""

import copy
import warnings
from operator import attrgetter, itemgetter

import numpy as np
import unyt as u
from symengine import expand

import gmso
from gmso.core.element import element_by_atomic_number, element_by_symbol
from gmso.core.views import PotentialFilters, get_parameters

pfilter = PotentialFilters.UNIQUE_PARAMETERS
from gmso.exceptions import GMSOError
from gmso.lib.potential_templates import PotentialTemplateLibrary
from import has_parmed, import_

if has_parmed:
    pmd = import_("parmed")

lib = PotentialTemplateLibrary()

[docs] def from_parmed(structure, refer_type=True): """Convert a parmed.Structure to a gmso.Topology. Convert a parametrized or un-parametrized parmed.Structure object to a topology.Topology. Specifically, this method maps Structure to Topology and Atom to Site. This method can only convert AtomType, BondType AngleType, DihedralType, and ImproperType. Parameters ---------- structure : parmed.Structure parmed.Structure instance that need to be converted. refer_type : bool, optional, default=True Whether or not to transfer AtomType, BondType, AngleType, DihedralType, and ImproperType information Returns ------- top : gmso.Topology """ msg = "Provided argument is not a Parmed Structure" assert isinstance(structure, pmd.Structure), msg top = gmso.Topology(name=structure.title) site_map = dict() if np.all( # add gmso box from structure = gmso.Box( ([0:3] * u.angstrom).in_units(u.nm), *[3:6], ) top.combining_rule = structure.combining_rule # Consolidate parmed atomtypes and relate topology atomtypes if refer_type: pmd_top_atomtypes = _atom_types_from_pmd(structure) ind_res = _check_independent_residues(structure) for residue in structure.residues: for atom in residue.atoms: # add atom to sites in gmso element = ( element_by_atomic_number(atom.element) if atom.element else None ) if residue.number == -1: # use default value of 0 in GMSO residue_number = 0 else: residue_number = residue.number - 1 site = gmso.Atom(, charge=atom.charge * u.elementary_charge, position=[atom.xx, atom.xy, atom.xz] * u.angstrom, atom_type=None, residue=(, residue_number), element=element, ) site.molecule = (, residue_number) if ind_res else None site.atom_type = ( copy.deepcopy(pmd_top_atomtypes[atom.atom_type]) if refer_type and isinstance(atom.atom_type, pmd.AtomType) else None ) if site.atom_type: site.atom_type.charge = atom.charge * u.elementary_charge site_map[atom] = site top.add_site(site) harmonicbond_potential = lib["HarmonicBondPotential"] name = expression = harmonicbond_potential.expression variables = harmonicbond_potential.independent_variables for bond in structure.bonds: # Generate bonds and harmonic parameters # If typed, assumed to be harmonic bonds top_connection = gmso.Bond( connection_members=_sort_bond_members( top, site_map, *attrgetter("atom1", "atom2")(bond) ) ) if refer_type and isinstance(bond.type, pmd.BondType): conn_params = { "k": (2 * bond.type.k * u.Unit("kcal / (angstrom**2 * mol)")), "r_eq": bond.type.req * u.angstrom, } _add_conn_type_from_pmd( connStr="BondType", pmd_conn=bond, gmso_conn=top_connection, conn_params=conn_params, name=name, expression=expression, variables=variables, ) top.add_connection(top_connection, update_types=False) harmonicangle_potential = lib["HarmonicAnglePotential"] name = expression = harmonicangle_potential.expression variables = harmonicangle_potential.independent_variables for angle in structure.angles: # Generate angles and harmonic parameters # If typed, assumed to be harmonic angles top_connection = gmso.Angle( connection_members=_sort_angle_members( top, site_map, *attrgetter("atom1", "atom2", "atom3")(angle) ) ) if refer_type and isinstance(angle.type, pmd.AngleType): conn_params = { "k": (2 * angle.type.k * u.Unit("kcal / (radian**2 * mol)")), "theta_eq": (angle.type.theteq *, } _add_conn_type_from_pmd( connStr="AngleType", pmd_conn=angle, gmso_conn=top_connection, conn_params=conn_params, name=name, expression=expression, variables=variables, ) top.add_connection(top_connection, update_types=False) periodic_torsion_potential = lib["PeriodicTorsionPotential"] name_proper = expression_proper = periodic_torsion_potential.expression variables_proper = periodic_torsion_potential.independent_variables periodic_imp_potential = lib["PeriodicImproperPotential"] name_improper = expression_improper = periodic_imp_potential.expression variables_improper = periodic_imp_potential.independent_variables for dihedral in structure.dihedrals: # Generate dihedrals and impropers from structure.dihedrals # If typed, assumed to be periodic if dihedral.improper: top_connection = gmso.Improper( connection_members=_sort_improper_members( top, site_map, *attrgetter("atom1", "atom2", "atom3", "atom4")(dihedral), ) ) if refer_type and isinstance(dihedral.type, pmd.DihedralType): conn_params = { "k": (dihedral.type.phi_k * u.Unit("kcal / mol")), "phi_eq": (dihedral.type.phase *, "n": dihedral.type.per * u.dimensionless, } _add_conn_type_from_pmd( connStr="ImproperType", pmd_conn=dihedral, gmso_conn=top_connection, conn_params=conn_params, name=name_improper, expression=expression_improper, variables=variables_improper, ) else: top_connection = gmso.Dihedral( connection_members=_sort_dihedral_members( top, site_map, *attrgetter("atom1", "atom2", "atom3", "atom4")(dihedral), ) ) if refer_type and isinstance(dihedral.type, pmd.DihedralType): conn_params = { "k": (dihedral.type.phi_k * u.Unit("kcal / mol")), "phi_eq": (dihedral.type.phase *, "n": dihedral.type.per * u.dimensionless, } _add_conn_type_from_pmd( connStr="DihedralType", pmd_conn=dihedral, gmso_conn=top_connection, conn_params=conn_params, name=name_proper, expression=expression_proper, variables=variables_proper, ) top.add_connection(top_connection, update_types=False) ryckaert_bellemans_torsion_potential = lib[ "RyckaertBellemansTorsionPotential" ] name = expression = ryckaert_bellemans_torsion_potential.expression variables = ryckaert_bellemans_torsion_potential.independent_variables for rb_torsion in structure.rb_torsions: # Generate dihedrals from structure rb_torsions # If typed, assumed to be ryckaert bellemans torsions top_connection = gmso.Dihedral( connection_members=_sort_dihedral_members( top, site_map, *attrgetter("atom1", "atom2", "atom3", "atom4")(rb_torsion), ) ) if refer_type and isinstance(rb_torsion.type, pmd.RBTorsionType): conn_params = { "c0": (rb_torsion.type.c0 * u.Unit("kcal/mol")), "c1": (rb_torsion.type.c1 * u.Unit("kcal/mol")), "c2": (rb_torsion.type.c2 * u.Unit("kcal/mol")), "c3": (rb_torsion.type.c3 * u.Unit("kcal/mol")), "c4": (rb_torsion.type.c4 * u.Unit("kcal/mol")), "c5": (rb_torsion.type.c5 * u.Unit("kcal/mol")), } _add_conn_type_from_pmd( connStr="DihedralType", pmd_conn=rb_torsion, gmso_conn=top_connection, conn_params=conn_params, name=name, expression=expression, variables=variables, ) top.add_connection(top_connection, update_types=False) periodic_torsion_potential = lib["HarmonicTorsionPotential"] name = expression = periodic_torsion_potential.expression variables = periodic_torsion_potential.independent_variables for improper in structure.impropers: # Generate impropers from structure impropers # If typed, assumed to be harmonic torsions top_connection = gmso.Improper( connection_members=_sort_improper_members( top, site_map, *attrgetter("atom3", "atom2", "atom1", "atom4")(improper), ) ) if refer_type and isinstance(improper.type, pmd.ImproperType): conn_params = { "k": (improper.type.psi_k * u.kcal / (u.mol * u.radian**2)), "phi_eq": (improper.type.psi_eq *, } _add_conn_type_from_pmd( connStr="ImproperType", pmd_conn=improper, gmso_conn=top_connection, conn_params=conn_params, name=name, expression=expression, variables=variables, ) top.add_connection(top_connection, update_types=False) top.update_topology() return top
def _atom_types_from_pmd(structure): """Convert ParmEd atomtypes to GMSO AtomType. This function take in a Parmed Structure, iterate through its atom's atom_type, create a corresponding GMSO.AtomType, and finally return a dictionary containing all pairs of pmd.AtomType and GMSO.AtomType Parameter ---------- structure: pmd.Structure Parmed Structure that needed to be converted. Return ------ pmd_top_atomtypes : dict A dictionary linking a pmd.AtomType object to its corresponding GMSO.AtomType object. """ unique_atom_types = [ atom.atom_type for atom in structure.atoms if isinstance(atom.atom_type, pmd.AtomType) ] pmd_top_atomtypes = {} for atom_type in unique_atom_types: if atom_type.atomic_number: element = element_by_atomic_number(atom_type.atomic_number).symbol else: element = top_atomtype = gmso.AtomType(, charge=atom_type.charge * u.elementary_charge, tags={"element": element}, expression="4*epsilon*((sigma/r)**12 - (sigma/r)**6)", parameters={ "sigma": atom_type.sigma * u.angstrom, "epsilon": atom_type.epsilon * u.Unit("kcal / mol"), }, independent_variables={"r"}, mass=atom_type.mass, ) pmd_top_atomtypes[atom_type] = top_atomtype return pmd_top_atomtypes def _sort_bond_members(top, site_map, atom1, atom2): return sorted( [site_map[atom1], site_map[atom2]], key=lambda x: top.get_index(x) ) def _sort_angle_members(top, site_map, atom1, atom2, atom3): sorted_angles = sorted( [site_map[atom1], site_map[atom3]], key=lambda x: top.get_index(x) ) return (sorted_angles[0], site_map[atom2], sorted_angles[1]) # function to check reversibility of dihedral type rev_dih_order = lambda top, site_map, x, y: top.get_index( site_map[x] ) > top.get_index(site_map[y]) def _sort_dihedral_members(top, site_map, atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4): if rev_dih_order(top, site_map, atom2, atom3): return itemgetter(atom4, atom3, atom2, atom1)(site_map) return itemgetter(atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4)(site_map) def _sort_improper_members(top, site_map, atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4): sorted_impropers = sorted( [site_map[atom2], site_map[atom3], site_map[atom4]], key=lambda x: top.get_index(x), ) return (site_map[atom1], *sorted_impropers) def _add_conn_type_from_pmd( connStr, pmd_conn, gmso_conn, conn_params, name, expression, variables ): """Create a GMSO connection type and add to the conneciton object. This function creates the connection type object and add it to the connection object provided. Parameters ---------- connStr : str The name of the connection type. Accepted values include "BondType", "AngleType", "DihedralType", and "ImproperType". pmd_conn : pmd.Bond/Angle/Dihedral/Improper The parmed connection object. gmso_conn : gmso.Bond/Angle/Dihedral/Improper The GMSO connection object. conn_params : dict The potential expression parameters in dictionary form. name : str Name of the potential form. expression : expression The potential expression form. variables : dict The independent variables. """ try: member_types = list( map(lambda x:, gmso_conn.connection_members) ) except AttributeError: member_types = list( map(lambda x: f"{x}: {x.atom_type})", gmso_conn.connection_members) ) raise AttributeError( f"Parmed structure is missing atomtypes. One of the atomtypes in \ {member_types} is missing a type from the ParmEd structure.\ Try using refer_type=False to not look for a parameterized structure." ) try: get_classes = lambda x: ( x.atom_type.atomclass if x.atom_type.atomclass else ) member_classes = list(map(get_classes, gmso_conn.connection_members)) except AttributeError: member_classes = list( map( lambda x: f"{x}: {})", gmso_conn.connection_members, ) ) top_conntype = getattr(gmso, connStr)( name=name, parameters=conn_params, expression=expression, independent_variables=variables, member_types=member_types, member_classes=member_classes, ) conntypeStr = connStr.lower()[:-4] + "_type" setattr(gmso_conn, conntypeStr, top_conntype) def to_parmed(top, refer_type=True): """Convert a gmso.topology.Topology to a parmed.Structure. At this point we only assume a three level structure for topology Topology - Molecule - Residue - Sites, which transform to three level of Parmed Structure - Residue - Atoms (gmso Molecule level will be skipped). Parameters ---------- top : topology.Topology topology.Topology instance that need to be converted refer_type : bool, optional, default=True Whether or not to transfer AtomType, BondType, AngleTye, and DihedralType information Returns ------- structure : parmed.Structure """ # Sanity check msg = "Provided argument is not a topology.Topology." assert isinstance(top, gmso.Topology) # Set up Parmed structure and define general properties structure = pmd.Structure() structure.title = = ( np.concatenate( ("angstrom").value,"degree").value, ) ) if else None ) # Maps atom_map = dict() # Map site to atom bond_map = dict() # Map top's bond to structure's bond angle_map = dict() # Map top's angle to strucutre's angle dihedral_map = dict() # Map top's dihedral to structure's dihedral # Set up unparametrized system # Build up atom for site in top.sites: if site.element: atomic_number = site.element.atomic_number else: atomic_number = 0 pmd_atom = pmd.Atom( atomic_number=atomic_number,, if site.mass else None, charge=( if site.charge else None ), ) pmd_atom.xx, pmd_atom.xy, pmd_atom.xz = "angstrom" ).value # Add atom to structure if site.residue: structure.add_atom( pmd_atom,, resnum=site.residue.number + 1, ) else: structure.add_atom(pmd_atom, resname="RES", resnum=-1) atom_map[site] = pmd_atom # "Claim" all of the item it contains and subsequently index all of its item structure.residues.claim() # Create and add bonds to Parmed structure for bond in top.bonds: site1, site2 = bond.connection_members pmd_bond = pmd.Bond(atom_map[site1], atom_map[site2]) structure.bonds.append(pmd_bond) bond_map[bond] = pmd_bond # Create and add angles to Parmed structure for angle in top.angles: site1, site2, site3 = angle.connection_members pmd_angle = pmd.Angle(atom_map[site1], atom_map[site2], atom_map[site3]) structure.angles.append(pmd_angle) angle_map[angle] = pmd_angle # Create and add dihedrals to Parmed structure for dihedral in top.dihedrals: site1, site2, site3, site4 = dihedral.connection_members pmd_dihedral = pmd.Dihedral( atom_map[site1], atom_map[site2], atom_map[site3], atom_map[site4] ) if dihedral.connection_type and expand( dihedral.connection_type.expression ) == expand( "c0 * cos(phi)**0 + " + "c1 * cos(phi)**1 + " + "c2 * cos(phi)**2 + " + "c3 * cos(phi)**3 + " + "c4 * cos(phi)**4 + " + "c5 * cos(phi)**5" ): structure.rb_torsions.append(pmd_dihedral) else: structure.dihedrals.append(pmd_dihedral) dihedral_map[dihedral] = pmd_dihedral # Set up structure for Connection Type conversion if refer_type: # Need to add a warning if Topology does not have types information if top.atom_types: _atom_types_from_gmso(top, structure, atom_map) if top.bond_types: _bond_types_from_gmso(top, structure, bond_map) if top.angle_types: _angle_types_from_gmso(top, structure, angle_map) if top.dihedral_types: _dihedral_types_from_gmso(top, structure, dihedral_map) return structure def _check_independent_residues(structure): """Check to see if residues will constitute independent graphs.""" # Copy from foyer for res in structure.residues: atoms_in_residue = set([*res.atoms]) bond_partners_in_residue = [ item for sublist in [atom.bond_partners for atom in res.atoms] for item in sublist ] # Handle the case of a 'residue' with no neighbors if not bond_partners_in_residue: continue if set(atoms_in_residue) != set(bond_partners_in_residue): return False return True def _atom_types_from_gmso(top, structure, atom_map): """Convert gmso.Topology AtomType to parmed.Structure AtomType. This function will first check the AtomType expression of Topology and make sure it match with the one default in Parmed. After that, it would start atomtyping and parametrizing this part of the structure. Parameters ---------- top : topology.Topology The topology that need to be converted structure: parmed.Structure The destination parmed Structure """ # Maps atype_map = dict() for atom_type in top.atom_types( filter_by=PotentialFilters.UNIQUE_NAME_CLASS ): msg = "Atom type {} expression does not match Parmed AtomType default expression".format( ) assert expand(atom_type.expression) == expand( "4*epsilon*(-sigma**6/r**6 + sigma**12/r**12)" ), msg # Extract Topology atom type information atype_name = # Convert charge to elementary_charge atype_charge = float("Coulomb").value) / ( 1.6 * 10 ** (-19) ) atype_sigma = float(atom_type.parameters["sigma"].to("angstrom").value) atype_epsilon = float( atom_type.parameters["epsilon"].to("kcal/mol").value ) if atom_type.mass: atype_mass = float("amu").value) else: atype_mass = float( element_by_symbol("amu").value ) atype_atomic_number = getattr( element_by_symbol(, "atomic_number", None ) atype_rmin = atype_sigma * 2 ** (1 / 6) / 2 # to rmin/2 # Create unique Parmed AtomType object atype = pmd.AtomType( atype_name, None, atype_mass, atype_atomic_number, atype_charge, ) atype.set_lj_params(atype_epsilon, atype_rmin) # Type map to match AtomType to its name atype_map[atype_name] = atype for site in top.sites: # Assign atom_type to atom pmd_atom = atom_map[site] pmd_atom.type = pmd_atom.atom_type = atype_map[] def _bond_types_from_gmso(top, structure, bond_map): """Convert gmso.Topology BondType to parmed.Structure BondType. This function will first check the BondType expression of Topology and make sure it match with the one default in Parmed. After that, it would start atomtyping and parametrizing this part of the structure. Parameters ---------- top : topology.Topology The topology that need to be converted structure: parmed.Structure The destination parmed Structure """ btype_map = dict() for bond_type in top.bond_types(filter_by=pfilter): msg = "Bond type {} expression does not match Parmed BondType default expression".format( ) assert expand(bond_type.expression) == expand( "0.5 * k * (r-r_eq)**2" ), msg # Extract Topology bond_type information btype_k = 0.5 * float( bond_type.parameters["k"].to("kcal / (angstrom**2 * mol)").value ) btype_r_eq = float(bond_type.parameters["r_eq"].to("angstrom").value) # Create unique Parmed BondType object btype = pmd.BondType(btype_k, btype_r_eq) # Type map to match Topology BondType parameters with Parmed BondType btype_map[get_parameters(bond_type)] = btype # Add BondType to structure.bond_types structure.bond_types.append(btype) for bond in top.bonds: # Assign bond_type to bond pmd_bond = bond_map[bond] pmd_bond.type = btype_map[get_parameters(bond.bond_type)] structure.bond_types.claim() def _angle_types_from_gmso(top, structure, angle_map): """Convert gmso.Topology AngleType to parmed.Structure AngleType. This function will first check the AngleType expression of Topology and make sure it match with the one default in Parmed. After that, it would start atomtyping and parametrizing the structure. Parameters ---------- top : topology.Topology The topology that need to be converted structure: parmed.Structure The destination parmed Structure """ agltype_map = dict() for angle_type in top.angle_types(filter_by=pfilter): msg = "Angle type {} expression does not match Parmed AngleType default expression".format( ) assert expand(angle_type.expression) == expand( "0.5 * k * (theta-theta_eq)**2" ), msg # Extract Topology angle_type information agltype_k = 0.5 * float( angle_type.parameters["k"].to("kcal / (radian**2 * mol)").value ) agltype_theta_eq = float( angle_type.parameters["theta_eq"].to("degree").value ) # Create unique Parmed AngleType object agltype = pmd.AngleType(agltype_k, agltype_theta_eq) # Type map to match Topology AngleType with Parmed AngleType # for key, value in agltype_map.items(): if value == agltype: agltype = value break agltype_map[get_parameters(angle_type)] = agltype # Add AngleType to structure.angle_types if agltype not in structure.angle_types: structure.angle_types.append(agltype) for angle in top.angles: # Assign angle_type to angle pmd_angle = angle_map[angle] pmd_angle.type = agltype_map[get_parameters(angle.connection_type)] structure.angle_types.claim() def _dihedral_types_from_gmso(top, structure, dihedral_map): """Convert gmso.Topology DihedralType to parmed.Structure DihedralType. This function will first check the DihedralType expression of Topology and make sure it match with the one default in Parmed. After that, it would start atomtyping and parametrizing the structure. Parameters ---------- top : topology.Topology The topology that need to be converted structure: parmed.Structure The destination parmed Structure """ dtype_map = dict() for dihedral_type in top.dihedral_types(filter_by=pfilter): msg = "Dihedral type {} expression does not match Parmed DihedralType default expressions (Periodics, RBTorsions)".format( ) if expand(dihedral_type.expression) == expand( "k * (1 + cos(n * phi - phi_eq))**2" ): dtype_k = float(dihedral_type.parameters["k"].to("kcal/mol").value) dtype_phi_eq = float( dihedral_type.parameters["phi_eq"].to("degrees").value ) dtype_n = float(dihedral_type.parameters["n"].value) # Create unique Parmed DihedralType object dtype = pmd.DihedralType(dtype_k, dtype_n, dtype_phi_eq) # Add DihedralType to structure.dihedral_types structure.dihedral_types.append(dtype) elif expand(dihedral_type.expression) == expand( "c0 * cos(phi)**0 + " + "c1 * cos(phi)**1 + " + "c2 * cos(phi)**2 + " + "c3 * cos(phi)**3 + " + "c4 * cos(phi)**4 + " + "c5 * cos(phi)**5" ): dtype_c0 = float( dihedral_type.parameters["c0"].to("kcal/mol").value ) dtype_c1 = float( dihedral_type.parameters["c1"].to("kcal/mol").value ) dtype_c2 = float( dihedral_type.parameters["c2"].to("kcal/mol").value ) dtype_c3 = float( dihedral_type.parameters["c3"].to("kcal/mol").value ) dtype_c4 = float( dihedral_type.parameters["c4"].to("kcal/mol").value ) dtype_c5 = float( dihedral_type.parameters["c5"].to("kcal/mol").value ) # Create unique DihedralType object dtype = pmd.RBTorsionType( dtype_c0, dtype_c1, dtype_c2, dtype_c3, dtype_c4, dtype_c5, list=structure.rb_torsion_types, ) # Add RBTorsionType to structure.rb_torsion_types structure.rb_torsion_types.append(dtype) # dtype._idx = len(structure.rb_torsion_types) - 1 else: raise GMSOError("msg") dtype_map[get_parameters(dihedral_type)] = dtype for dihedral in top.dihedrals: pmd_dihedral = dihedral_map[dihedral] pmd_dihedral.type = dtype_map[get_parameters(dihedral.connection_type)] structure.dihedral_types.claim() structure.rb_torsions.claim()