Source code for gmso.formats.gsd

"""Write GSD files from GMSO topologies."""
from __future__ import division

import warnings

import numpy as np
import unyt as u
from unyt.array import allclose_units

from import Bond
from gmso.exceptions import NotYetImplementedWarning
from gmso.formats.formats_registry import saves_as
from gmso.utils.geometry import coord_shift
from import has_gsd
from gmso.utils.sorting import natural_sort

__all__ = ["write_gsd"]

if has_gsd:
    import gsd.hoomd

[docs]@saves_as(".gsd") def write_gsd( top, filename, ref_distance=1.0 * u.nm, ref_mass=1.0 * u.Unit("g/mol"), ref_energy=1.0 * u.Unit("kcal/mol"), rigid_bodies=None, shift_coords=True, write_special_pairs=True, ): """Output a GSD file (HOOMD v3 default data format). The `GSD` binary file format is the native format of HOOMD-Blue. This file can be used as a starting point for a HOOMD-Blue simulation, for analysis, and for visualization in various tools. Parameters ---------- top : gmso.Topology gmso.Topology object filename : str Path of the output file. ref_distance : float, optional, default=1.0 Reference distance for conversion to reduced units ref_mass : float, optional, default=1.0 Reference mass for conversion to reduced units ref_energy : float, optional, default=1.0 Reference energy for conversion to reduced units rigid_bodies : list of int, optional, default=None List of rigid body information. An integer value is required for each atom corresponding to the index of the rigid body the particle is to be associated with. A value of None indicates the atom is not part of a rigid body. shift_coords : bool, optional, default=True Shift coordinates from (0, L) to (-L/2, L/2) if necessary. write_special_pairs : bool, optional, default=True Writes out special pair information necessary to correctly use the OPLS fudged 1,4 interactions in HOOMD. Notes ----- Force field parameters are not written to the GSD file and must be included manually in a HOOMD input script. Work on a HOOMD plugin is underway to read force field parameters from a Foyer XML file. """ xyz = u.unyt_array([site.position for site in top.sites]) if shift_coords: warnings.warn("Shifting coordinates to [-L/2, L/2]") xyz = coord_shift(xyz, gsd_snapshot = gsd.hoomd.Snapshot() gsd_snapshot.configuration.step = 0 gsd_snapshot.configuration.dimensions = 3 # Write box information (lx, ly, lz, xy, xz, yz) = _prepare_box_information(top) lx = lx / ref_distance ly = ly / ref_distance lz = lz / ref_distance = np.array([lx, ly, lz, xy, xz, yz]) warnings.warn( "Only writing particle, bond, angle, and dihedral information." "Impropers and special pairs are not currently written to GSD files", NotYetImplementedWarning, ) _write_particle_information( gsd_snapshot, top, xyz, ref_distance, ref_mass, ref_energy, rigid_bodies ) if top.n_bonds > 0: _write_bond_information(gsd_snapshot, top) if top.n_angles > 0: _write_angle_information(gsd_snapshot, top) if top.n_dihedrals > 0: _write_dihedral_information(gsd_snapshot, top) # if write_special_pairs: # _write_pair_information(gsd_snapshot, top) with, mode="wb") as gsd_file: gsd_file.append(gsd_snapshot)
def _write_particle_information( gsd_snapshot, top, xyz, ref_distance, ref_mass, ref_energy, rigid_bodies ): """Write out the particle information.""" gsd_snapshot.particles.N = top.n_sites warnings.warn(f"{top.n_sites} particles detected") gsd_snapshot.particles.position = xyz / ref_distance types = [ if site.atom_type is None else for site in top.sites ] unique_types = list(set(types)) unique_types = sorted(unique_types) gsd_snapshot.particles.types = unique_types warnings.warn(f"{len(unique_types)} unique particle types detected") typeids = np.array([unique_types.index(t) for t in types]) gsd_snapshot.particles.typeid = typeids masses = np.array([site.mass for site in top.sites]) masses[masses == 0] = 1.0 masses[masses == None] = 1.0 gsd_snapshot.particles.mass = masses / ref_mass charges = np.array([site.charge for site in top.sites]) charges[charges == None] = 0.0 e0 = u.physical_constants.eps_0.in_units( u.elementary_charge**2 / u.Unit("kcal*angstrom/mol") ) """ Permittivity of free space = 2.39725e-4 e^2/((kcal/mol)(angstrom)), where e is the elementary charge """ charge_factor = (4.0 * np.pi * e0 * ref_distance * ref_energy) ** 0.5 gsd_snapshot.particles.charge = charges / charge_factor if rigid_bodies: warnings.warn( "Rigid bodies detected, but not yet implemented for GSD", NotYetImplementedWarning, ) # if rigid_bodies: # rigid_bodies = [-1 if body is None else body for body in rigid_bodies] # gsd_snapshot.particles.body = rigid_bodies def _write_pair_information(gsd_snapshot, top): """Write the special pairs in the system. Parameters ---------- gsd_snapshot : The file object of the GSD file being written structure : parmed.Structure Parmed structure object holding system information Warnings -------- Not yet implemented for `gmso.core.topology` objects. """ # pair_types = [] # pair_typeid = [] # pairs = [] # for ai in structure.atoms: # for aj in ai.dihedral_partners: # #make sure we don't double add # if ai.idx > aj.idx: # ps = '-'.join(sorted([ai.type, aj.type], key=natural_sort)) # if ps not in pair_types: # pair_types.append(ps) # pair_typeid.append(pair_types.index(ps)) # pairs.append((ai.idx, aj.idx)) # gsd_snapshot.pairs.types = pair_types # gsd_snapshot.pairs.typeid = pair_typeid # = pairs # gsd_snapshot.pairs.N = len(pairs) def _write_bond_information(gsd_snapshot, top): """Write the bonds in the system. Parameters ---------- gsd_snapshot : The file object of the GSD file being written top : gmso.Topology Topology object holding system information """ gsd_snapshot.bonds.N = top.n_bonds warnings.warn(f"{top.n_bonds} bonds detected") bond_groups = [] bond_typeids = [] bond_types = [] for bond in top.bonds: t1, t2 = list(bond.connection_members) if all([t1.atom_type, t2.atom_type]): _t1 = _t2 = else: _t1 = _t2 = _t1, _t2 = sorted([_t1, _t2], key=lambda x: x) bond_type = "-".join((_t1, _t2)) bond_types.append(bond_type) bond_groups.append(sorted([top.sites.index(t1), top.sites.index(t2)])) unique_bond_types = list(set(bond_types)) bond_typeids = [unique_bond_types.index(i) for i in bond_types] gsd_snapshot.bonds.types = unique_bond_types gsd_snapshot.bonds.typeid = bond_typeids = bond_groups warnings.warn(f"{len(unique_bond_types)} unique bond types detected") def _write_angle_information(gsd_snapshot, top): """Write the angles in the system. Parameters ---------- gsd_snapshot : The file object of the GSD file being written top : gmso.Topology Topology object holding system information """ gsd_snapshot.angles.N = top.n_angles unique_angle_types = set() angle_typeids = [] angle_groups = [] angle_types = [] for angle in top.angles: t1, t2, t3 = list(angle.connection_members) if all([t1.atom_type, t2.atom_type, t3.atom_type]): _t1, _t3 = sorted( [,], key=natural_sort ) _t2 = else: _t1, _t3 = sorted([,], key=natural_sort) _t2 = angle_type = "-".join((_t1, _t2, _t3)) angle_types.append(angle_type) angle_groups.append( (top.sites.index(t1), top.sites.index(t2), top.sites.index(t3)) ) unique_angle_types = list(set(angle_types)) angle_typeids = [unique_angle_types.index(i) for i in angle_types] gsd_snapshot.angles.types = unique_angle_types gsd_snapshot.angles.typeid = angle_typeids = angle_groups warnings.warn(f"{top.n_angles} angles detected") warnings.warn(f"{len(unique_angle_types)} unique angle types detected") def _write_dihedral_information(gsd_snapshot, top): """Write the dihedrals in the system. Parameters ---------- gsd_snapshot : The file object of the GSD file being written top : gmso.Topology Topology object holding system information """ gsd_snapshot.dihedrals.N = top.n_dihedrals dihedral_groups = [] dihedral_types = [] for dihedral in top.dihedrals: t1, t2, t3, t4 = list(dihedral.connection_members) if all([t.atom_type for t in [t1, t2, t3, t4]]): _t1, _t4 = sorted( [,], key=natural_sort ) _t3 = _t2 = else: _t1, _t4 = sorted([,], key=natural_sort) _t2 = _t3 = if [_t2, _t3] == sorted([_t2, _t3], key=natural_sort): dihedral_type = "-".join((_t1, _t2, _t3, _t4)) else: dihedral_type = "-".join((_t4, _t3, _t2, _t1)) dihedral_types.append(dihedral_type) dihedral_groups.append( ( top.sites.index(t1), top.sites.index(t2), top.sites.index(t3), top.sites.index(t4), ) ) unique_dihedral_types = list(set(dihedral_types)) dihedral_typeids = [unique_dihedral_types.index(i) for i in dihedral_types] gsd_snapshot.dihedrals.types = unique_dihedral_types gsd_snapshot.dihedrals.typeid = dihedral_typeids = dihedral_groups warnings.warn(f"{top.n_dihedrals} dihedrals detected") warnings.warn( f"{len(unique_dihedral_types)} unique dihedral types detected" ) def _prepare_box_information(top): """Prepare the box information for writing to gsd.""" lx = ly = lz = xy = xz = yz = 0.0 if allclose_units(, np.array([90, 90, 90]) *, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8 ): warnings.warn("Orthorhombic box detected") lx, ly, lz = xy, xz, yz = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 else: warnings.warn("Non-orthorhombic box detected") u_vectors = lx, ly, lz = xy = u_vectors[1][0] xz = u_vectors[2][0] yz = u_vectors[2][1] return lx, ly, lz, xy, xz, yz