Source code for gmso.external.convert_parmed

"""Module support for converting to/from ParmEd objects."""
import warnings

import numpy as np
import sympy as sym
import unyt as u
from sympy.parsing.sympy_parser import parse_expr

import gmso
from gmso.core.element import (
from import has_parmed, import_

if has_parmed:
    pmd = import_("parmed")

[docs]def from_parmed(structure, refer_type=True): """Convert a parmed.Structure to a gmso.Topology. Convert a parametrized or un-parametrized parmed.Structure object to a topology.Topology. Specifically, this method maps Structure to Topology and Atom to Site. At this point, this method can only convert AtomType, BondType and AngleType. Conversion of DihedralType will be implement in the near future. Parameters ---------- structure : parmed.Structure parmed.Structure instance that need to be converted. refer_type : bool, optional, default=True Whether or not to transfer AtomType, BondType, AngleType, and DihedralType information Returns ------- top : gmso.Topology """ msg = "Provided argument is not a Parmed Structure" assert isinstance(structure, pmd.Structure), msg top = gmso.Topology(name=structure.title) site_map = dict() if np.all( # This is if we choose for topology to have abox = gmso.Box( ([0:3] * u.angstrom).in_units(u.nm), *[3:6], ) # TO DO: come up with a solution to deal with partially parametrized # Parmed Structure # Old code: # simple check if our pmd.Structure is fully parametrized # is_parametrized = True if (isinstance(structure.atoms[i].atom_type, # pmd.AtomType) for i in range(len(structure.atoms))) else False # Consolidate parmed atomtypes and relate topology atomtypes if refer_type: pmd_top_atomtypes = _atom_types_from_pmd(structure) # Consolidate parmed bondtypes and relate to topology bondtypes bond_types_map = _get_types_map(structure, "bonds") pmd_top_bondtypes = _bond_types_from_pmd( structure, bond_types_members_map=bond_types_map ) # Consolidate parmed angletypes and relate to topology angletypes angle_types_map = _get_types_map(structure, "angles") pmd_top_angletypes = _angle_types_from_pmd( structure, angle_types_member_map=angle_types_map ) # Consolidate parmed dihedraltypes and relate to topology dihedraltypes dihedral_types_map = _get_types_map(structure, "dihedrals") dihedral_types_map.update(_get_types_map(structure, "rb_torsions")) pmd_top_dihedraltypes = _dihedral_types_from_pmd( structure, dihedral_types_member_map=dihedral_types_map ) subtops = list() for residue in structure.residues: subtop_name = ("{}[{}]").format(, residue.idx) subtops.append(gmso.SubTopology(name=subtop_name, parent=top)) for atom in residue.atoms: if refer_type and isinstance(atom.atom_type, pmd.AtomType): site = gmso.Atom(, charge=atom.charge * u.elementary_charge, position=( [atom.xx, atom.xy, atom.xz] * u.angstrom ).in_units(u.nm), atom_type=pmd_top_atomtypes[atom.atom_type],, residue_number=residue.idx, ) else: site = gmso.Atom(, charge=atom.charge * u.elementary_charge, position=( [atom.xx, atom.xy, atom.xz] * u.angstrom ).in_units(u.nm), atom_type=None,, residue_number=residue.idx, ) site_map[atom] = site subtops[-1].add_site(site) top.add_subtopology(subtops[-1]) for bond in structure.bonds: # Generate bond parameters for BondType that gets passed # to Bond if refer_type and isinstance(bond.type, pmd.BondType): top_connection = gmso.Bond( connection_members=[site_map[bond.atom1], site_map[bond.atom2]], bond_type=pmd_top_bondtypes[bond.type], ) # No bond parameters, make Connection with no connection_type else: top_connection = gmso.Bond( connection_members=[site_map[bond.atom1], site_map[bond.atom2]], bond_type=None, ) top.add_connection(top_connection, update_types=False) top.update_topology() for angle in structure.angles: # Generate angle parameters for AngleType that gets passed # to Angle if refer_type and isinstance(angle.type, pmd.AngleType): top_connection = gmso.Angle( connection_members=[ site_map[angle.atom1], site_map[angle.atom2], site_map[angle.atom3], ], angle_type=pmd_top_angletypes[angle.type], ) # No bond parameters, make Connection with no connection_type else: top_connection = gmso.Angle( connection_members=[ site_map[angle.atom1], site_map[angle.atom2], site_map[angle.atom3], ], angle_type=None, ) top.add_connection(top_connection, update_types=False) for dihedral in structure.dihedrals: # Generate dihedral parameters for DihedralType that gets passed # to Dihedral # These all follow periodic torsions functions # (even if they are improper dihedrals) # Which are the default expression in top.DihedralType # These periodic torsion dihedrals get stored in top.dihedrals if dihedral.improper: warnings.warn( "ParmEd improper dihedral {} ".format(dihedral) + "following periodic torsion " + "expression detected, currently accounted for as " + "topology.Dihedral with a periodic torsion expression" ) if refer_type and isinstance(dihedral.type, pmd.DihedralType): top_connection = gmso.Dihedral( connection_members=[ site_map[dihedral.atom1], site_map[dihedral.atom2], site_map[dihedral.atom3], site_map[dihedral.atom4], ], dihedral_type=pmd_top_dihedraltypes[dihedral.type], ) # No bond parameters, make Connection with no connection_type else: top_connection = gmso.Dihedral( connection_members=[ site_map[dihedral.atom1], site_map[dihedral.atom2], site_map[dihedral.atom3], site_map[dihedral.atom4], ], dihedral_type=None, ) top.add_connection(top_connection, update_types=False) for rb_torsion in structure.rb_torsions: # Generate dihedral parameters for DihedralType that gets passed # to Dihedral # These all follow RB torsion functions # These RB torsion dihedrals get stored in top.dihedrals if rb_torsion.improper: warnings.warn( "ParmEd improper dihedral {} ".format(rb_torsion) + "following RB torsion " + "expression detected, currently accounted for as " + "topology.Dihedral with a RB torsion expression" ) if refer_type and isinstance(rb_torsion.type, pmd.RBTorsionType): top_connection = gmso.Dihedral( connection_members=[ site_map[rb_torsion.atom1], site_map[rb_torsion.atom2], site_map[rb_torsion.atom3], site_map[rb_torsion.atom4], ], dihedral_type=pmd_top_dihedraltypes[rb_torsion.type], ) # No bond parameters, make Connection with no connection_type else: top_connection = gmso.Dihedral( connection_members=[ site_map[rb_torsion.atom1], site_map[rb_torsion.atom2], site_map[rb_torsion.atom3], site_map[rb_torsion.atom4], ], dihedral_type=None, ) top.add_connection(top_connection, update_types=False) top.update_topology() top.combining_rule = structure.combining_rule return top
def _atom_types_from_pmd(structure): """Convert ParmEd atomtypes to GMSO AtomType. This function take in a Parmed Structure, iterate through its atom's atom_type, create a corresponding GMSO.AtomType, and finally return a dictionary containing all pairs of pmd.AtomType and GMSO.AtomType Parameter ---------- structure: pmd.Structure Parmed Structure that needed to be converted. Return ------ pmd_top_atomtypes : dict A dictionary linking a pmd.AtomType object to its corresponding GMSO.AtomType object. """ unique_atom_types = set() for atom in structure.atoms: if isinstance(atom.atom_type, pmd.AtomType): unique_atom_types.add(atom.atom_type) unique_atom_types = list(unique_atom_types) pmd_top_atomtypes = {} for atom_type in unique_atom_types: top_atomtype = gmso.AtomType(, charge=atom_type.charge * u.elementary_charge, expression="4*epsilon*((sigma/r)**12 - (sigma/r)**6)", parameters={ "sigma": atom_type.sigma * u.angstrom, "epsilon": atom_type.epsilon * u.Unit("kcal / mol"), }, independent_variables={"r"}, mass=atom_type.mass, ) pmd_top_atomtypes[atom_type] = top_atomtype return pmd_top_atomtypes def _bond_types_from_pmd(structure, bond_types_members_map=None): """Convert ParmEd bondtypes to GMSO BondType. This function takes in a Parmed Structure, iterate through its bond_types, create a corresponding GMSO.BondType, and finally return a dictionary containing all pairs of pmd.BondType and GMSO.BondType Parameters ---------- structure: pmd.Structure Parmed Structure that needed to be converted. bond_types_members_map: optional, dict, default=None The member types (atomtype string) for each atom associated with the bond_types the structure Returns ------- pmd_top_bondtypes : dict A dictionary linking a pmd.BondType object to its corresponding GMSO.BondType object. """ pmd_top_bondtypes = dict() bond_types_members_map = _assert_dict( bond_types_members_map, "bond_types_members_map" ) for btype in structure.bond_types: bond_params = { "k": (2 * btype.k * u.Unit("kcal / (angstrom**2 * mol)")), "r_eq": btype.req * u.angstrom, } expr = gmso.BondType._default_potential_expr() expr.set(parameters=bond_params) member_types = bond_types_members_map.get(id(btype)) top_bondtype = gmso.BondType( potential_expression=expr, member_types=member_types ) pmd_top_bondtypes[btype] = top_bondtype return pmd_top_bondtypes def _angle_types_from_pmd(structure, angle_types_member_map=None): """Convert ParmEd angle types to GMSO AngleType. This function takes in a Parmed Structure, iterates through its angle_types, create a corresponding GMSO.AngleType, and finally return a dictionary containing all pairs of pmd.AngleType and GMSO.AngleType Parameters ---------- structure: pmd.Structure Parmed Structure that needed to be converted. angle_types_member_map: optional, dict, default=None The member types (atomtype string) for each atom associated with the angle_types the structure Returns ------- pmd_top_angletypes : dict A dictionary linking a pmd.AngleType object to its corresponding GMSO.AngleType object. """ pmd_top_angletypes = dict() angle_types_member_map = _assert_dict( angle_types_member_map, "angle_types_member_map" ) for angletype in structure.angle_types: angle_params = { "k": (2 * angletype.k * u.Unit("kcal / (rad**2 * mol)")), "theta_eq": (angletype.theteq *, } expr = gmso.AngleType._default_potential_expr() expr.parameters = angle_params # Do we need to worry about Urey Bradley terms # For Urey Bradley: # k in (kcal/(angstrom**2 * mol)) # r_eq in angstrom member_types = angle_types_member_map.get(id(angletype)) top_angletype = gmso.AngleType( potential_expression=expr, member_types=member_types ) pmd_top_angletypes[angletype] = top_angletype return pmd_top_angletypes def _dihedral_types_from_pmd(structure, dihedral_types_member_map=None): """Convert ParmEd dihedral types to GMSO DihedralType. This function take in a Parmed Structure, iterate through its dihedral_types and rb_torsion_types, create a corresponding GMSO.DihedralType, and finally return a dictionary containing all pairs of pmd.Dihedraltype (or pmd.RBTorsionType) and GMSO.DihedralType Parameters ---------- structure: pmd.Structure Parmed Structure that needed to be converted. dihedral_types_member_map: optional, dict, default=None The member types (atomtype string) for each atom associated with the dihedral_types the structure Returns ------- pmd_top_dihedraltypes : dict A dictionary linking a pmd.DihedralType or pmd.RBTorsionType object to its corresponding GMSO.DihedralType object. """ pmd_top_dihedraltypes = dict() dihedral_types_member_map = _assert_dict( dihedral_types_member_map, "dihedral_types_member_map" ) for dihedraltype in structure.dihedral_types: dihedral_params = { "k": (dihedraltype.phi_k * u.Unit("kcal / mol")), "phi_eq": (dihedraltype.phase *, "n": dihedraltype.per * u.dimensionless, } expr = gmso.DihedralType._default_potential_expr() expr.parameters = dihedral_params member_types = dihedral_types_member_map.get(id(dihedraltype)) top_dihedraltype = gmso.DihedralType( potential_expression=expr, member_types=member_types ) pmd_top_dihedraltypes[dihedraltype] = top_dihedraltype for dihedraltype in structure.rb_torsion_types: dihedral_params = { "c0": (dihedraltype.c0 * u.Unit("kcal/mol")), "c1": (dihedraltype.c1 * u.Unit("kcal/mol")), "c2": (dihedraltype.c2 * u.Unit("kcal/mol")), "c3": (dihedraltype.c3 * u.Unit("kcal/mol")), "c4": (dihedraltype.c4 * u.Unit("kcal/mol")), "c5": (dihedraltype.c5 * u.Unit("kcal/mol")), } member_types = dihedral_types_member_map.get(id(dihedraltype)) top_dihedraltype = gmso.DihedralType( parameters=dihedral_params, expression="c0 * cos(phi)**0 + c1 * cos(phi)**1 + " + "c2 * cos(phi)**2 + c3 * cos(phi)**3 + c4 * cos(phi)**4 + " + "c5 * cos(phi)**5", independent_variables="phi", member_types=member_types, ) pmd_top_dihedraltypes[dihedraltype] = top_dihedraltype return pmd_top_dihedraltypes def to_parmed(top, refer_type=True): """Convert a gmso.topology.Topology to a parmed.Structure. At this point we only assume a three level structure for topology Topology - Subtopology - Sites, which transform to three level of Parmed Structure - Residue - Atoms. If we decide to support multiple level Subtopology in the future, this method will need some re-work. Tentative plan is to have the Parmed Residue to be equivalent to the Subtopology right above Site. Parameters ---------- top : topology.Topology topology.Topology instance that need to be converted refer_type : bool, optional, default=True Whether or not to transfer AtomType, BondType, AngleTye, and DihedralType information Returns ------- structure : parmed.Structure """ # Sanity check msg = "Provided argument is not a topology.Topology." assert isinstance(top, gmso.Topology) # Set up Parmed structure and define general properties structure = pmd.Structure() structure.title = = np.concatenate( ("angstrom").value,"degree").value, ) ) # Maps subtop_map = dict() # Map site to subtop atom_map = dict() # Map site to atom bond_map = dict() # Map top's bond to structure's bond angle_map = dict() # Map top's angle to strucutre's angle dihedral_map = dict() # Map top's dihedral to structure's dihedral # Set up unparametrized system # Build up atom for site in top.sites: if site.element: atomic_number = site.element.atomic_number charge = site.element.charge else: atomic_number = 0 charge = 0 pmd_atom = pmd.Atom( atomic_number=atomic_number,,,, ) pmd_atom.xx, pmd_atom.xy, pmd_atom.xz = "angstrom" ).value # Add atom to structure if site.residue_name: structure.add_atom( pmd_atom, resname=site.residue_name, resnum=site.residue_number ) else: structure.add_atom(pmd_atom, resname="RES", resnum=-1) atom_map[site] = pmd_atom # "Claim" all of the item it contains and subsequently index all of its item structure.residues.claim() # Create and add bonds to Parmed structure for bond in top.bonds: site1, site2 = bond.connection_members pmd_bond = pmd.Bond(atom_map[site1], atom_map[site2]) structure.bonds.append(pmd_bond) bond_map[bond] = pmd_bond # Create and add angles to Parmed structure for angle in top.angles: site1, site2, site3 = angle.connection_members pmd_angle = pmd.Angle(atom_map[site1], atom_map[site2], atom_map[site3]) structure.angles.append(pmd_angle) angle_map[angle] = pmd_angle # Create and add dihedrals to Parmed structure for dihedral in top.dihedrals: site1, site2, site3, site4 = dihedral.connection_members pmd_dihedral = pmd.Dihedral( atom_map[site1], atom_map[site2], atom_map[site3], atom_map[site4] ) if ( dihedral.connection_type and dihedral.connection_type.expression == parse_expr( "c0 * cos(phi)**0 + " + "c1 * cos(phi)**1 + " + "c2 * cos(phi)**2 + " + "c3 * cos(phi)**3 + " + "c4 * cos(phi)**4 + " + "c5 * cos(phi)**5" ) ): structure.rb_torsions.append(pmd_dihedral) else: structure.dihedrals.append(pmd_dihedral) dihedral_map[dihedral] = pmd_dihedral # Set up structure for Connection Type conversion if refer_type: # Need to add a warning if Topology does not have types information if top.atom_types: _atom_types_from_gmso(top, structure, atom_map) if top.bond_types: _bond_types_from_gmso(top, structure, bond_map) if top.angle_types: _angle_types_from_gmso(top, structure, angle_map) if top.dihedral_types: _dihedral_types_from_gmso(top, structure, dihedral_map) return structure def _atom_types_from_gmso(top, structure, atom_map): """Convert gmso.Topology AtomType to parmed.Structure AtomType. This function will first check the AtomType expression of Topology and make sure it match with the one default in Parmed. After that, it would start atomtyping and parametrizing this part of the structure. Parameters ---------- top : topology.Topology The topology that need to be converted structure: parmed.Structure The destination parmed Structure """ # Maps atype_map = dict() for atom_type in top.atom_types: msg = "Atom type {} expression does not match Parmed AtomType default expression".format( ) assert atom_type.expression == parse_expr( "4*epsilon*(-sigma**6/r**6 + sigma**12/r**12)" ), msg # Extract Topology atom type information atype_name = # Convert charge to elementary_charge atype_charge = float("Coulomb").value) / ( 1.6 * 10 ** (-19) ) atype_sigma = float(atom_type.parameters["sigma"].to("angstrom").value) atype_epsilon = float( atom_type.parameters["epsilon"].to("kcal/mol").value ) atype_element = element_by_atom_type(atom_type) atype_rmin = atype_sigma * 2 ** (1 / 6) / 2 # to rmin/2 # Create unique Parmed AtomType object atype = pmd.AtomType( atype_name, None, atype_element.mass, atype_element.atomic_number, atype_charge, ) atype.set_lj_params(atype_epsilon, atype_rmin) # Type map to match AtomType to its name atype_map[atype_name] = atype for site in top.sites: # Assign atom_type to atom pmd_atom = atom_map[site] pmd_atom.type = pmd_atom.atom_type = atype_map[] def _bond_types_from_gmso(top, structure, bond_map): """Convert gmso.Topology BondType to parmed.Structure BondType. This function will first check the BondType expression of Topology and make sure it match with the one default in Parmed. After that, it would start atomtyping and parametrizing this part of the structure. Parameters ---------- top : topology.Topology The topology that need to be converted structure: parmed.Structure The destination parmed Structure """ btype_map = dict() for bond_type in top.bond_types: msg = "Bond type {} expression does not match Parmed BondType default expression".format( ) assert bond_type.expression == parse_expr("0.5 * k * (r-r_eq)**2"), msg # Extract Topology bond_type information btype_k = 0.5 * float( bond_type.parameters["k"].to("kcal / (angstrom**2 * mol)").value ) btype_r_eq = float(bond_type.parameters["r_eq"].to("angstrom").value) # Create unique Parmed BondType object btype = pmd.BondType(btype_k, btype_r_eq) # Type map to match Topology BondType with Parmed BondType btype_map[bond_type] = btype # Add BondType to structure.bond_types structure.bond_types.append(btype) for bond in top.bonds: # Assign bond_type to bond pmd_bond = bond_map[bond] pmd_bond.type = btype_map[bond.connection_type] structure.bond_types.claim() def _angle_types_from_gmso(top, structure, angle_map): """Convert gmso.Topology AngleType to parmed.Structure AngleType. This function will first check the AngleType expression of Topology and make sure it match with the one default in Parmed. After that, it would start atomtyping and parametrizing the structure. Parameters ---------- top : topology.Topology The topology that need to be converted structure: parmed.Structure The destination parmed Structure """ agltype_map = dict() for angle_type in top.angle_types: msg = "Angle type {} expression does not match Parmed AngleType default expression".format( ) assert angle_type.expression == parse_expr( "0.5 * k * (theta-theta_eq)**2" ), msg # Extract Topology angle_type information agltype_k = 0.5 * float( angle_type.parameters["k"].to("kcal / (rad**2 * mol)").value ) agltype_theta_eq = float( angle_type.parameters["theta_eq"].to("degree").value ) # Create unique Parmed AngleType object agltype = pmd.AngleType(agltype_k, agltype_theta_eq) # Type map to match Topology AngleType with Parmed AngleType agltype_map[angle_type] = agltype # Add AngleType to structure.angle_types structure.angle_types.append(agltype) for angle in top.angles: # Assign angle_type to angle pmd_angle = angle_map[angle] pmd_angle.type = agltype_map[angle.connection_type] structure.angle_types.claim() def _dihedral_types_from_gmso(top, structure, dihedral_map): """Convert gmso.Topology DihedralType to parmed.Structure DihedralType. This function will first check the DihedralType expression of Topology and make sure it match with the one default in Parmed. After that, it would start atomtyping and parametrizing the structure. Parameters ---------- top : topology.Topology The topology that need to be converted structure: parmed.Structure The destination parmed Structure """ dtype_map = dict() for dihedral_type in top.dihedral_types: msg = "Dihedral type {} expression does not match Parmed DihedralType default expressions (Periodics, RBTorsions)".format( ) if dihedral_type.expression == parse_expr( "k * (1 + cos(n * phi - phi_eq))**2" ): dtype_k = float(dihedral_type.parameters["k"].to("kcal/mol").value) dtype_phi_eq = float( dihedral_type.parameters["phi_eq"].to("degrees").value ) dtype_n = float(dihedral_type.parameters["n"].value) # Create unique Parmed DihedralType object dtype = pmd.DihedralType(dtype_k, dtype_n, dtype_phi_eq) # Add DihedralType to structure.dihedral_types structure.dihedral_types.append(dtype) elif dihedral_type.expression == parse_expr( "c0 * cos(phi)**0 + " + "c1 * cos(phi)**1 + " + "c2 * cos(phi)**2 + " + "c3 * cos(phi)**3 + " + "c4 * cos(phi)**4 + " + "c5 * cos(phi)**5" ): dtype_c0 = float( dihedral_type.parameters["c0"].to("kcal/mol").value ) dtype_c1 = float( dihedral_type.parameters["c1"].to("kcal/mol").value ) dtype_c2 = float( dihedral_type.parameters["c2"].to("kcal/mol").value ) dtype_c3 = float( dihedral_type.parameters["c3"].to("kcal/mol").value ) dtype_c4 = float( dihedral_type.parameters["c4"].to("kcal/mol").value ) dtype_c5 = float( dihedral_type.parameters["c5"].to("kcal/mol").value ) # Create unique DihedralType object dtype = pmd.RBTorsionType( dtype_c0, dtype_c1, dtype_c2, dtype_c3, dtype_c4, dtype_c5 ) # Add RBTorsionType to structure.rb_torsion_types structure.rb_torsion_types.append(dtype) else: raise GMSOException("msg") dtype_map[dihedral_type] = dtype for dihedral in top.dihedrals: pmd_dihedral = dihedral_map[dihedral] pmd_dihedral.type = dtype_map[dihedral.connection_type] structure.dihedral_types.claim() structure.rb_torsions.claim() def _get_types_map(structure, attr): """Build `member_types` map for atoms, bonds, angles and dihedrals.""" assert attr in {"atoms", "bonds", "angles", "dihedrals", "rb_torsions"} type_map = {} for member in getattr(structure, attr): conn_type_id, member_types = _get_member_types_map_for(member) if conn_type_id not in type_map and all(member_types): type_map[conn_type_id] = member_types return type_map def _get_member_types_map_for(member): if isinstance(member, pmd.Atom): return id(member.atom_type), member.type if isinstance(member, pmd.Bond): return id(member.type), (member.atom1.type, member.atom2.type) if isinstance(member, pmd.Angle): return id(member.type), ( member.atom1.type, member.atom2.type, member.atom3.type, ) if isinstance(member, pmd.Dihedral): return id(member.type), ( member.atom1.type, member.atom2.type, member.atom3.type, member.atom4.type, ) def _assert_dict(input_dict, param): """Provide default value for a dictionary and do a type check for a parameter.""" input_dict = {} if input_dict is None else input_dict if not isinstance(input_dict, dict): raise TypeError( f"Expected `{param}` to be a dictionary. " f"Got {type(input_dict)} instead." ) return input_dict